Roundcube 0.2 Stable, postfix and changing user password

The following hack allows users to change their own email password in roundcube 0.2-stable. Updated: Thanks to Lukather from a bug which wiped out email passwords has been fixed **Step 1. Modifying program\steps\settings\ Aproximately near line 28, there is a block where an array is declared. It starts with “$a_user_prefs = array(“. Just add the following line under the “‘prefer_html’ => isset($_POST[‘_prefer_html’]) ? TRUE : FALSE,” line // Password MOD 'password' => isset($_POST['_password']) ?...

February 11, 2009 · 2 min · Alessio Placitelli

o3 magazine

Sometimes even a search engine can pull a “rabbit” out of its hat. I was looking for something I can’t even remember about, and Google lead me to this very interesting Internet magazine about the open source world. Trust me, it is worth the click! o3 magazine website

April 22, 2008 · 1 min · Alessio Placitelli

Roundcube: allow users to change their own passwords

If you are running a mail server, I’m pretty sure you’ve invested some time in testing Squirrelmail or Horde in order to provide your users a web access to their emails. Both of them are rock solid, but the lack of a good looking out-of-the-box UI is starting to weight more and more in our web x.0 days. Roundcube is an alternative, not as mature as the aforementioned, open source software released under GPL license which comes with an awesome default skin....

March 16, 2008 · 3 min · Alessio Placitelli

EU proposal: new policy against Internet censorship

“The European Parliament just passed a proposal to treat internet censorship as a trade barrier, in particular the ‘Great Firewall of China.’ If passed by the European Council, the issue would be raised in trade negotiations and could lead to economic sanctions and trade restrictions for those countries unwilling to remove oppressive Net censorship.” Just one consideration: do we really think we can blackmail China like this? Do we really think we have both the power and the importance to stand against China’s will?...

February 29, 2008 · 1 min · Alessio Placitelli

Internet TV (even p2p!) streaming to Dreambox

I’ve been flooded by your requests since my “Streaming live camera feed to Dreambox”) article and now, finally, the time has come: you don’t have to wait anymore 🙂 For those who don’t know what I’m talking about… it’s how to watch your favorite p2p internet channel on your dear Dreambox! Yeah, you can now sit on your sofa watching porn movies from the Internet on your 52” plasma 😀...

January 26, 2008 · 2 min · Alessio Placitelli