reST file editor

I think I’ve looked almost everywhere on the net to find a good reStructured Text file editor. Most of the free editor I’ve found were outdated our required to much efforts just to install. I finally found UliPad, which also allows user to see a real time html version of the reST document. Funny, isn’t it? UliPad Homepage

August 2, 2012 · 1 min · Alessio Placitelli

Point Cloud Library 1.0 released

This post is a little bit late, but it’s better now than never! It took some really hard work to get this release out, but version 1.0 of the Point Cloud Library is finally here. Many different institutions contributed to this open source library which allows point cloud processing (with out of the box Kinect support through OpenNI!). What follows is an excerpt from the official 1.0 release announcement. PCL is a large-scale, cross-platform, open project for point cloud processing that is free for commercial and research use....

August 2, 2012 · 2 min · Alessio Placitelli

Rilasciata Point Cloud Library 1.0

Questo post arriva un po’ in ritardo, ma meglio tardi che mai! Dopo un duro lavoro è stata rilasciata la versione 1.0 della Point Cloud Library, una libreria open source per l’elaborazione di nuvole di punti 3d. Allo sviluppo di questa libreria partecipano varie istituzioni, tra cui anche il MIT. Segue un estratto dell’annuncio relativo al rilascio. PCL is a large-scale, cross-platform, open project for point cloud processing that is free for commercial and research use....

May 21, 2011 · 2 min · Alessio Placitelli

Editor di file reST

Credo di aver girato la rete in lungo ed in largo per trovare un buon editor di file reStructured Text. La maggior parte di quelli che ho trovato erano troppo vecchi o veramente, veramente troppo complicati perfino da installare. Finalmente, quando iniziavo a disperarmi, ho scoperto UliPad, un editor di file reST che permette di vederne anche l’anteprima HTML in tempo reale! Gratis! UliPad Homepage

May 11, 2011 · 1 min · Alessio Placitelli

ISS Tour

NASA just released a 35 minutes tour of the International Space Station. Feel free to check it out following those links: YouTube Part I YouTube Part II YouTube Part III YouTube Part IV Simply… amazing.

January 24, 2009 · 1 min · Alessio Placitelli